Good News at Civic Reception


As part the 40th anniversary of the sister city relationship between Melbourne and Osaka, a delegation of councilors from The City of Osaka visited Melbourne this week. A civic reception was held at the Town Hall on Tuesday night and George and Ian from the Osaka Cup committee were invited to attend.

Hosted by the Lord Mayor of Melbourne Sally Capp, also in attendance were the Japanese Consul General Mr Matsunaga, the Osaka City Council Vice President Mr Tsuji and a number of representatives from both cities.

During the informal gathering, some interesting ideas about the future of Hokko Harbour were discussed, opening up exciting possibilities for both Osaka and the Osaka Cup Yacht Race which is next scheduled for 2023. Among a number of development ideas leading up to the World Expo in Osaka in 2025, the Osaka Council are investigating the possibility improving facilities in the Hokko Club area making it easier for competitors in our race.

George can be seen with Mr Kashiwagi, the Director General of the Economic Strategy Bureau and Mr Tagaya a long standing Osaka City Councilor.


メルボルンのサリー・カップ市長がホストとなり、松永総領事と大阪市議会の辻副議長、そして多くの両市の代表が参加しました。 今回のカジュアルな会合では、北港マリーナの将来についての興味深いアイデアが議論され、大阪市と2023年に予定されているメルボルン大阪カップヨットレースの可能性が開かれました。2025年に開催される大阪万博に向けてのいくつかの開発案の中で、大阪市議会はレースコンペティターが入港しやすいように大阪湾の施設を改善する可能性を調査しています。
