An event held to mark the official start to the Race to Osaka in 2025 was held in Melbourne at Sandringham Yacht Club on Thursday evening, exactly 2 years out from the start of the big race. Hosted by Organising Committee Chairman George Shaw, the event introduced official guests such as Melbournes’ Lord Mayor, Victorias’ Consul General of Japan, the President of Australian Sailing and Commodores from Sandringham and Hokko Osaka Yacht Clubs. Alongside these guests were a number of other speakers who will be vital in the running of the event. The entire program was created as an introduction to competitors and a video clip of the night will be available in the next few days.Earlier on Thursday, an email was sent to the crew members of more than 150 boats who had shown interest in the race, inviting them to officially register for the event. This followed the recent release of the Notice of Race. Details of these items can be found here.